Kosie & Inge | Wedding | Tea-Under-The-Trees | Paarl | 8 January 2013

Kosie & Inge's Wedding was something truly spectacular! No words will ever be great enough to describe how much I enjoyed capturing all their special moments. When first arriving at the beautiful Hartebeeskraal farm where Inge got dressed... I knew with her warm and greeting smile, this day... their Wedding day... were going to be incredibly special and something i'll never forget. Their Ceremony took place at the cutest little church called Het Gesticht in Paarl, built in 1813, which were followed by a tea party and games inspired canape, where the guests and couple enjoyed mingling under the beautiful Oak trees, giggling away while sipping on their quirky drinks :) after hours of fun on the lush greenery we headed over to the second "secret garden" where their reception took place! the laughter and love continued as everyone made their speeches and finally we ended the all perfect ''liefdesfees'' with their love shoot! I must honestly say that Tea-Under-The-Trees in Paarl has stolen my heart. There is something so magical and fairytale-like about the place that you can't help but feel nostalgic and whimsical! I would like to say a big big Thank You to Kosie & Inge for everything and that I know you guys will have the most blessed marriage!! "Owl Always Love You" xxx { this is my longest blogpost yet ^_^ )

From the Couple "Op ‘n Somersaand in Venesië se waterstrate het ek gedink:'Kan n meisie gelukkiger wees as nou" toe my heel beste vriend ‘n unieke plekhouer-ringetjie (wat hy self gemaak het) aan my vinger steek. Ons troudag was vir ons ‘n dag waarvan jy die gevoel vir niemand ooit sal kan beskryf nie. ‘n Dag wat jy vir altyd in jou hart sal koester. Dit was net TE VINNIG verby. Ons wens nou nog ons het eerder sesuur in die oggend getrou om elke oomblik te kon inneem en die dag langer te laat voel. Ons belofte-dag was ‘n sprokieswêreld met antieke mooiheid wat oorheers. ‘n Viering van ons huweliksdag met sigare en gin&tonic bedien uit engelse tee koppies. Linte en ou wêreldse kant wat van die groot akkerbome afhang. Met musiek uit die 1930’s in die agtergrond, ‘n spel kroket, rolbal, kettieskiet, pluimbal of reuse jenga en banke onder die akkerbome het ons laat voel of ons nie wil ontsnap uit ons eie feeverhaal nie. Ons het beplan om ‘n troue te hê soos ‘n engelse high tea maar, sonder die neus in die lug mense. Ons het toe die perfekste plek, dag en natuurlik gaste gehad wat net bygedra het om ons prentjiemooi dag te volmaak."



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